The Appartments

The three appartments have an ensuite bathroom, private kitchen area, central heating (in winter), television and an independent entrance.

Each flat has a double bedroom and the possibility of adding a third or fourth bed in the living rooms.

The rooms have wooden beam ceilings, local stone worked walls, a fireplace and pleasantly furnished.

The Rates

Prezzi per camera per notte, compresa prima colazione

Price per night including breakfast:

• Single occupancy of double room appartment with ensuite bathroom € 50

• Double room appartment with ensuite bathroom                                    € 70

• Double room with third bed                                                                         € 85

• Double room with fourth bed                                                                       € 100

Weekly price, including breakfast

• Single occupancy                                                                                              € 220

• Double room                                                                                                    € 450

• Double Room (third bed)                                                                               € 560

Children under 6 years old                                                                               Free